Payment Method
The following modes of payments are supported by the Short Code Registry. You may make payments for a new code or renewals using these payment methods:
- Credit Cards - Payments can be made using an existing card or a new card can be added and set it as your default payment method
- ACH - Automated Clearing House payments are also accepted. You may add one or more ACH and set it as your default payment method
You can set up a credit card or ACH either of the following ways.
- From the left-side navigation menu, click My Account.
- On the My Account page, click Payment Method.
Add a Payment MethodAdd a Payment Method
To add a payment method on the Payments tab,
- Click the Add Payment Method button.
- Select Credit Card or ACH.
Credit Card:
Note: You may see a temporary "authorization hold" of $1.00 on your credit card statement; rest assured, it will be released within 3-14 days. This is simply a method to validate your credit card information and prevent credit card fraud.
- To choose a saved address, click Choose a Saved Address button, select the address, and click Choose.
- If you choose not to use a saved address, enter your First Name and Last Name.
- Select the Country where you are located from the drop-down and enter the address information such as Street Address 1, Street Address 2, City, State/Province,
and Zip/Postal Code.
Note: Depending upon the country you choose, some of the address field's mandatory requirement is modified. For example, the USA requires to enter the State/Province field whereas, for Costa Rica, the same field is disabled. - Optionally enter a description for your card in the Description field.
- From the Card Type drop-down, select Visa, Master Card, Discover, or American Express.
- Enter the Credit Card Number in the provided field.
- Select the Month and Year of credit card from the drop-down under Expiration Date.
- Enter the Card Verification Value (CVV) in the provided field.
For your safety and security, we require that you enter your card verification number.
For Visa, MasterCard, and Discover cards, the card verification number is the last 3 digit number located on the back of your card on or above your signature line. For an American Express card, it is the 4 digits on the front above the end of your card number. - To set this card as your default credit card for making purchases, select the Set as default check-box.
Setting the credit card as the default card indicates that this card will be used for auto-renew service. - Click Save Payment Method.
Note: You must notify your bank that iconectiv will make ACH pulls for the Short Code Registry.
- Enter the name of the account holder in the Account Owner Name field.
- In the Account Type drop-down select either:
- Checking
- Corporate Checking
- Savings - In the Description field enter a short description about the account. This is optional.
- Enter the Account Number in the provided field.
- Re-enter the account number in the Confirm Account Number field
- Enter the Routing Number (9 Digits) in the provided field.
- Enter the Bank Name in the provided field.
- Enter the Maximum Payment Limit of payment in the provided field.
- To set this ACH account as the default payment, select the Set as default check-box.
Setting this as the default payment method indicates that this payment method will be used for auto-renew. - Click the Consent check-box for iconectiv to make ACH withdrawals from the specified account for payments to the Short Code Registry and not exceed the amount specified as the Maximum Payment Limit.
- Click Save Payment Method. A success message is displayed.
- To navigate back to the Payment Methods page without any updates, click Cancel.
Edit a Payment MethodEdit a Payment Method
You can edit the payment method for ACH or credit card from the Payment Methods tab.
- From the list of Payment Methods on File, below the Edit column, click the Edit link for the mode of payment you wish to update.
- If the selected payment mode is ACH, the Edit ACH page is displayed. You can only edit the Account Type, Description, Bank Name, Maximun Payment Limit,
Set as Default and Consent. If you wish to change the Account Number or Routing Number, you may delete this payment method and add a new payment method.
- If the selected payment method is Credit Card, you may update the First Name, Last Name, address, Expiration Date, and Description. You can alse click Set as Default and make this your default payment
method. You cannot edit the credit card number or CVV number. To do that, remove this card and add a new card. From the list of credit cards, click the Edit Card link for the card you intend to update. On the Edit Credit Card page, update the provided information and click Update Card.
- To navigate back to the Payment Methods page without any updates, click Cancel.
Remove a Payment MethodRemove a Payment Method
- From the list of payment methods on file, click the Remove link below the Remove column for the card you intend to remove.
- On the Confirm Removal of Payment Method dialog, click OK to proceed else click Cancel. A success message is displayed upon the card is removal.
You will no longer have a credit card on record. If you wish to have auto-pay, consider adding a new credit card to your account and setting it as the default card.
Set a Default Payment MethodSet a Default Payment Method
- To set any payment type as the default payment method from the Payment Methods tab, click Set as default link below the Default column, .
- In the Set Default Payment Method dialog, click OK else click Cancel.